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Saturday, July 23, 2005

Defjux Crew was recently on KPFA last week! It was a very good conversation:

Peep out what Mr Lif has to say about music, life and politics on Breakdown FM

Mr. Lif Drops Science pt 1

Mr. Lif Drops Science pt 2

Mr Lif Drops Science pt 3

EL-P: Def Jux.. Producer, Founder Breaks it Down and Lets Us Know Whats Up

EL-P-producer, Rapper-Founder of Def Jux gives a full breakdown and lets us know whats up...

Aesop Rock

Aesop Rock takes us behind the grind...

Taken from Hardknock Radio on KPFA Free Speech Radio


Friday, July 22, 2005

Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft is at it again with a new strategy:


Saturday, July 16, 2005

He should do time. Posted by Picasa