Why Teaching Creationism Should Be ProhibitedOne Christmas, my wife and I was visiting a relative. This particular relative was a member of the mainstream branch of my family.
He claimed Rastafarian with a twist of good ole American capitalism. Ya know, gotta make that scunty. Well, one day my relative was explaining why men have one less rib than women do. In the beginning, I was a bit shocked and took it as a joke. But when my wife took issue with it by simply laughing and saying, "You got to be kidding." My relative furthered the conversation to convince us. Now, here is a person how claims to have been an orderly in a hospital and he states that if you open up a man up right now you would see one less rib! (
Even today I am in denial about that trip).
In conclusion, given this experience among other experiences with Christians and so called Christians, I know that it is not good idea to teach creationism in American schools. For a final example, about 70% of Amerians believe in angels!"
My wife's grandfather who is a seventy year old Polish gentleman, busted out laughing and exclaimed, "I never knew so many Americans were so stupid!" I couldn't agree more because I am here at ground zero, the ole US of A. Look at this country, Christian colonialism still being practice by the US. First it was Africa, now it is the Middle East! Men are trying to control women's rights to choose (
That is always the issue). Angels are flying all around us and even on the macro level where my relative believe that men have eleven ribs! If Creationism is institutionalized in the school system my wife and I are out of here! I will not raise my children in a society that rewrites history and blends stories with facts.
Religion, Science, and Law: Defining the Science in Scientific CreationismCOMING SOON...
If Marriage is an Institution, then My Marriage is not A Part of Your Institution!