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Friday, April 14, 2006

Ali Sells Name for $68 Million

Check this out and tell us what you think: Ali Sells Name for $68

You never know what to expect coming from FOX news but I found this article pretty interesting. The only error or problem I found was the downplay of his presence and the MLK comparison:

"Since then he has been regarded as a magnificent social reformer yet the truth is that such status has been largely overstated. He was never nearly the beacon for social justice as, say, Martin Luther King Jr, and many overlook that much of the population, in fact, hated him."

Overstated? Whose truth are we talking about? I mean, I talked to older African Americans in this country and they have always expressed how proud they felt when Ali would speak about the plight of black people in the US, during those times not to long ago, when blacks could have been killed for simply practicing their right to free speech. Anyone, especially black, who can speak out the way Ali did is a social reformer in my book. Hell, he chose to go to prison and gave up his World Championship belt in order to not kill people in Vietnam. In other words, where are the popular black people today who would say, "No Arab called me nigger?" The only person that similarily shocked America was recently Kanye West who, during a Red Cross marathon for hurrican Katrina victims, broke away from his script and said, " George Bush doesn't care about black people." Can someone prove Kanye wrong? Kanye also made a song called, " George Bush Don't Like Black People"

All in all, I am happy and sad at the same about Ali's decision. Happy because Ali is a face and name that I would love to see in the near future and sad because I feel that his name will not be used the way the author of the article suggests - commericialism vs. socialism.


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